
The GGA Project -- Day #238 "Basking/Breakfasting in the Aftermath"

I never imagined a person could sleep so soundly and profoundly on a thin pad in a tent in a grassless clearing.  I guess that's what 8 hours of sun and rowing will do to/for you.  Last night I gave in to the best kind of satisfied exhaustion and woke up in a state of quiet joy.

Our last stop on the way out of town was

Today's New Activity: Breakfast at The Coloma Club

Yes, this is the same Coloma Club we were at last night, but this morning we visited the cafe part, which was closed last night.  The breakfast was standard diner fare--nothing innovative (unless you count the Cowboy Potatoes, which were homefries with onions, bell pepper, and cheese mixed in--yummmmmy!), but a lot of it.  Too much.  I think we were ALL defeated by our servings and forced to leave some behind.

But although the food at The Coloma Club was not remarkable, the feeling I had there was.  I looked around as I sipped my coffee--at the great company with whom I'd shared yesterday's wonderful experience--and I felt a deep sense of fulfillment and contentment.  The thing is, somewhere inside me I'd always retained the knowledge that life was made to be lived fully and joyfully.  I'd just lost sight of that somewhere along the way.

And I'm happy to have it back.

In the afternoon I stopped in at the housewarming of my friends Lynh and Maribel.  They are a wonderful couple full of good will, and I was grateful to be able to help celebrate such a big life event (especially in this area, where you REALLY need to have your ducks in a row in order to buy a house) with them.

Today was all about being happy with the company of friends, and happy for the successes they'd achieved.  Congratulations to everybody, for all that you've done and all that you simply are.  I'm honored to have you all in my life.

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